The sacrifice is one of God’s rituals that must be glorified, as the Most High said: It is one of the Sunnahs of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that must be adhered to, revived by working on it and spreading it.
And since the sacrifice is an offering that the servant draws closer to God Almighty, and God is good and does not accept anything but good, then the sacrifice should be good, fat, and free from defects that diminish its meat and fat, and therefore the Maliki jurists stipulated conditions related to the sacrifice.
Conditions of sacrifice in Maliki jurisprudence
The sacrifice is from the cattle
And since the sacrifice is an offering that the servant draws closer to God Almighty, and God is good and does not accept anything but good, then the sacrifice should be good, fat, and free from defects that diminish its meat and fat, and therefore the Maliki jurists stipulated conditions related to the sacrifice.
Conditions of sacrifice in Maliki jurisprudence
The sacrifice is from the cattle
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