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Health card App Online

Abhi Ruk
100,000+ downloads

About Health card App Online

The new BIS allows any user who wants to register himself for generating Ayushman card for himself/herself or for any known beneficiary. Also, existing users of BIS can login to the new BIS2.0 for generating and Downloading Ayushman cards.

How To Get Ayushman Card


* Register yourself by Mobile number.
* Enter OTP and click to verify.
* Select BIS2.0 and Self Users, then click on the Create button.


* Sign in with mobile number and enter OTP.
* Select Rural or Urban.
* Then select State, District, Block, and Village.
* Create or download Ayushman Card by clicking on the "View".

App Features

* Register Yourself & Search Beneficiary
* Do Your eKYC & wait for Approval
* Download Your Ayushman Card
* Do you have Ayushman card?
* Check eligibility for PMJAY
* Hospital list for Ayushman card benefits

Contact us for any queries and suggestions:


We only provide information to readers and visitors that are available in the following government Public Domains.

Ayushman Card Download Online, Register Yourself & Search Beneficiary, Do Your eKYC & wait for Approval and Download Your Ayushman Card Source:

Because the official website is loaded in this application. But this application is not official.

We are not an official partner of the Government or a linked with any way with the government. We just show their website in our application in webview format.

This app is not affiliated with the government of India.

This App is not sponsored or endorsed by Government.

Health card App Online Screenshots