Percentage calculator is best for users who do not understand English well:
Some of the main features of this app are as follows -
1. Pratishat Calculator app is very easy to use.
2. The percentage of any number can be removed in seconds. (Eg how much would 20% of 500 be)
3. You can learn about that number by the percentage of a number. (For example, how many percent would 150 be in 500)?
4. You can do both these calculations on the same page. There is no need to go to any other page.
5. No interstitial ads (full screen add) are used in Pratishat Calculator app.
6. You can use this app easily even without internet.
The Pratishat Calculator app can help reduce some of your life's hassles.
Some of the main features of this app are as follows -
1. Pratishat Calculator app is very easy to use.
2. The percentage of any number can be removed in seconds. (Eg how much would 20% of 500 be)
3. You can learn about that number by the percentage of a number. (For example, how many percent would 150 be in 500)?
4. You can do both these calculations on the same page. There is no need to go to any other page.
5. No interstitial ads (full screen add) are used in Pratishat Calculator app.
6. You can use this app easily even without internet.
The Pratishat Calculator app can help reduce some of your life's hassles.
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