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Fotolock, guardar y ocultar

Apps Smarts Android
10+ downloads

About Fotolock, guardar y ocultar

It is a mobile application designed to protect your privacy by hiding and encrypting your personal photos and videos on your device. With this application, you can rest assured that your sensitive media files are safe and out of reach of unwanted eyes.

It allows you to safely hide your photos and videos within the app. Use advanced encryption algorithms to ensure that only you can access them with a password

The user interface is simple and easy to use. You can browse your hidden media files quickly and easily, making it easy to manage your private content.

It is a reliable application that gives you full control over your personal photos and videos. By hiding and encrypting them with advanced security technology, it ensures that your private media files remain protected at all times. With its intuitive interface and additional features, it is an ideal choice for those who value their privacy and are looking for a secure way to manage their sensitive media content.

Fotolock, guardar y ocultar Screenshots