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Chis Chis Parchis

Apps Smarts Android
10+ downloads

About Chis Chis Parchis

Chis Chis Parchis is an exciting board game, this deluxe version has been designed with high quality components and offers an enhanced gaming experience.

The main objective of Chis Chis Parchis is to move all your checkers from the start to the finish line before your opponents. Each player has a set of tiles of a specific color and they take turns rolling a die and advancing their tiles by the number rolled.

It's time to have fun with this amazing game which offers you games for 2, 3 or 4 players. A game where you have to use the dice to become a ludo star.

Learn to move your chips strategically to win, it is a dice game where skill and luck are involved.

Compete with your friends or family to see who is the best in this interactive board game where the fun never ends.

The Chis Chis Parchis is suitable for players of all ages and is a great choice for family gatherings or game nights with friends. It promotes strategic decision making, counting, and planning, while offering a fun and competitive gaming experience.

Good luck on the board and may the best man win.

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