For proper flight planning, information on meteo conditions are indispensable. The Surface Pressure Forecast Charts App will give you a 5-day outlook on the possible development of the large scale meteo conditions in Europe.
The charts have the purpose to merely supply you with large scale, longer term info. To assess local conditions you will have to consult other sources, like Meteo Parapente, Paraglidable or Windy.
To be able to download the charts even in marginal internet connectivity conditions, the charts are supplied as low-resolution images, minimizing the file size.
Higher resolution images and zooming capability would suggest a reliability of the model outputs at a smaller scale. This has been discouraged by the meteorologists involved.
The app is light, fast and very easy to use. Morever it is free and without ads!
• DWD analysis for +00 and forecasts for 36, 48, 60, 84 and 108 hours
• UKMO analysis for +00 and forecasts for 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and 120 hours
• KNMI analysis for +00 and forecasts for 12, 24 and 36 hours
• isobars
• sea level pressure (hPa)
• frontal systems (heat and cold fronts)
• thickness data (in UKMO B/W charts)
The charts are generated and generously made available by DWD, UKMO, KNMI and
The charts have the purpose to merely supply you with large scale, longer term info. To assess local conditions you will have to consult other sources, like Meteo Parapente, Paraglidable or Windy.
To be able to download the charts even in marginal internet connectivity conditions, the charts are supplied as low-resolution images, minimizing the file size.
Higher resolution images and zooming capability would suggest a reliability of the model outputs at a smaller scale. This has been discouraged by the meteorologists involved.
The app is light, fast and very easy to use. Morever it is free and without ads!
• DWD analysis for +00 and forecasts for 36, 48, 60, 84 and 108 hours
• UKMO analysis for +00 and forecasts for 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 and 120 hours
• KNMI analysis for +00 and forecasts for 12, 24 and 36 hours
• isobars
• sea level pressure (hPa)
• frontal systems (heat and cold fronts)
• thickness data (in UKMO B/W charts)
The charts are generated and generously made available by DWD, UKMO, KNMI and
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