New advanced ITC technology in a simple phone design that anyone can use and start a paranormal EVP session or spirit communication almost immediately!
Main Features :
> Multiple Channels Spirit Box
> Built-In Audio Recorder
> Scan Speed Control ( From 200 to 500 milliseconds )
> White Noise Generator For EVP Recording
> Built-In Sensors And Auto EVP Scanners
> Unique Simple Design That Anyone Can Use
Our mission is to make EVP research and spirit communication available for everyone. You don't have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars on hardware spirit box devices, and you don't have to be an ITC expert to start an EVP session and receive EVP messages :
1 - Ask your question
2 - Run the software
3 - Listen to the answers or review the recorded audio
It's that simple! You can start using it once it's downloaded and installed, anytime, anywhere.
Important : We can't guarantee that you will always receive an EVP. We created and tested our software, enhanced their performance, and provided them to you ready to start immediately. EVP Phone is not a prank app or a toy. This is a serious spirit communication tool and EVP research software, if you're serious about it, you will get results.
Main Features :
> Multiple Channels Spirit Box
> Built-In Audio Recorder
> Scan Speed Control ( From 200 to 500 milliseconds )
> White Noise Generator For EVP Recording
> Built-In Sensors And Auto EVP Scanners
> Unique Simple Design That Anyone Can Use
Our mission is to make EVP research and spirit communication available for everyone. You don't have to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars on hardware spirit box devices, and you don't have to be an ITC expert to start an EVP session and receive EVP messages :
1 - Ask your question
2 - Run the software
3 - Listen to the answers or review the recorded audio
It's that simple! You can start using it once it's downloaded and installed, anytime, anywhere.
Important : We can't guarantee that you will always receive an EVP. We created and tested our software, enhanced their performance, and provided them to you ready to start immediately. EVP Phone is not a prank app or a toy. This is a serious spirit communication tool and EVP research software, if you're serious about it, you will get results.
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