Arduino server Ethernet Shield icon

Arduino server Ethernet Shield

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About Arduino server Ethernet Shield

Management Arduino over the internet.

How it works:

Create a Web page on the Internet, for example using the service drive google - google document.
Set the option to access, for example for all on the Internet, with the right to edit the document.
Now, anyone can go to our document and make changes there, in the "relevant field".

On your Android phone in the program "ArduinoWebServerEthernetShield".
First write Url address of our page and click the save button "store Url memory!".

Push the button "start / stop - server", starts reading the values ​​from the "relevant field" on the page, every second.
The values ​​are displayed on the screen Android phone, parallel sending these values ​​via Bluetooth on Arduino.
Arduino via Bluetooth Module HC-05 takes these values, and depending on them to enable / disable PINs.

Link to sketch for the Arduino, in the description below the video instruction.

Arduino server Ethernet Shield Screenshots