Do you need to get someone's attention with a simple short message, say at the airport, work, bar, restaurant, concert, taxi, across the room or ???. Or do you want to make up quick spelling or reading word challenges for your young pre-school/grade school kids?
Visual Text is a simple, easy to use "visual message display" which allows you to do just that. It is not a scrolling marquee but a static display banner meant to convey a quick short message.
The text size slider allows you to custom fit the text to your needs and length of message. Choose the color of your text, set the text size, and tap "SHOW MESSAGE". Select "FLASH Text" to draw more attention. Rotate your phone to portrait or landscape to fit the text to your preference. A short list of pre-loaded messages are also available.
As a bonus feature, for those times you are out, a tip calculator is one tap away to figure your total bill as well as a split-bill option for parties or payees of more than 1. The total/person can then be shown full screen for others to see.
Both the Visual Text and Tip Calculator screens are optimized for single handed use.
Visual Text is a simple, easy to use "visual message display" which allows you to do just that. It is not a scrolling marquee but a static display banner meant to convey a quick short message.
The text size slider allows you to custom fit the text to your needs and length of message. Choose the color of your text, set the text size, and tap "SHOW MESSAGE". Select "FLASH Text" to draw more attention. Rotate your phone to portrait or landscape to fit the text to your preference. A short list of pre-loaded messages are also available.
As a bonus feature, for those times you are out, a tip calculator is one tap away to figure your total bill as well as a split-bill option for parties or payees of more than 1. The total/person can then be shown full screen for others to see.
Both the Visual Text and Tip Calculator screens are optimized for single handed use.
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