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Klasis So'e Timur

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About Klasis So'e Timur

The East SoE Klasis was formed on October 21, 2019 during the XXXIV GMIT Synod Session at the Paul Kupang Congregation Multipurpose Building-Klasis Kupang City. Previously, Klasis SoE Timur was a service part of Klasis SoE. However, the breadth of the service area and the increase in the number of congregations in the SoE Klasis, it is necessary for the expansion of the Klasis to occur so that the East SoE Klasis blooms based on the GMIT Synod Decree Number: 03/TAP/SS-GMIT/XXXIV/2019 concerning the Expansion and/or Klasis.

Furthermore, in the SoE III Classical Session on 9 to 12 December 2019, the East SoE Daily Classics Council and Non-Priestess Klasis Council members were selected to be precise on 12 December 2019 with the following structure and composition:

a) Chairman : Rev. Lebrik E.K.O. Toy, S.Th
b) Vice Chairman : Pdt. Emma M. Fay, S. Si-Teol
c) Secretary : Rev. Jan Urip C. Faot
d) Treasurer : Rev. Natty Kain
e) Members : 1. Rev. Dr. Uksam Selan, S.Pi, MA
2. Rev. Simon Bell
3. Rev. Yan P. Subu Taopan, S. Sos
4. Rev. Mes M.E.A. Benu, SH
5. Rev. Heroespenkos Taopan, SE
The East SoE Daily Classics Council and members of the Non Pastor Klasis Council who were elected in the 2019 SoE Class III Session for the 2020-2023 service period were brought before a face-to-face service on December 15, 2019 at the GMIT Imanuel Strongnana Congregation. And officially, on February 13, 2020, a celebration of Independence / Expansion was held to coincide with the Opening Service of the 2020 SoE East Class Council Session at the GMIT Peniel Supul congregation.

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