RAKYATNTT.COM is a news site that was established under the auspices of PT. Mediatama Rakyat NTT which already has a legal entity. This site has a complete rubric so as to provide complete information for the community, especially the people of NTT. The information presented on this site is the most up-to-date and up-to-date information.
RakyatNTT has social media channels, namely Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. This site also uses an autopost system for social media channels, so that all news posted on the site is automatically posted on RakyatNTT's social media channels.
RakyatNTT.com has a vision to be the proud media of NTT and to be a distributor of information with the widest network in NTT. Therefore, currently the management of RakyatNTT.com has placed personnel in the districts in NTT to obtain important information from each region in NTT.
RakyatNTT.com in real time provides up-to-date information about politics and government, economy and business, law, education, health, tourism, technology, lifestyle, literature, religion, sports, entertainment, to interesting photos and videos about NTT. In addition, each district has a special rubric to update information in each area.
With the collaboration of experienced young people from NTT, the RakyatNTT.com site is now increasingly popular with readers. This is evidenced by the increasing number of readers from day to day. Currently RakyatNTT.com globally is ranked in the 100 thousand version of Alexa Pagerank. Nationally, it is in the 2000s. For the local scale of NTT, RNC is the online media with the highest ranking.
RNC has also officially joined the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI), an Indonesian cyber media company organization that has become a constituent of the Press Council. RNC also collaborates with the national online media network pioneered by SMSI, namely Siberindo.co with members in all provinces in Indonesia. RakyatNTT.cim also collaborates with Herald.id, a national media based in South Sulawesi Province.
RNC is committed to being the proud media of NTT that is professional and critical in voicing truth and justice. (*)
RakyatNTT has social media channels, namely Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. This site also uses an autopost system for social media channels, so that all news posted on the site is automatically posted on RakyatNTT's social media channels.
RakyatNTT.com has a vision to be the proud media of NTT and to be a distributor of information with the widest network in NTT. Therefore, currently the management of RakyatNTT.com has placed personnel in the districts in NTT to obtain important information from each region in NTT.
RakyatNTT.com in real time provides up-to-date information about politics and government, economy and business, law, education, health, tourism, technology, lifestyle, literature, religion, sports, entertainment, to interesting photos and videos about NTT. In addition, each district has a special rubric to update information in each area.
With the collaboration of experienced young people from NTT, the RakyatNTT.com site is now increasingly popular with readers. This is evidenced by the increasing number of readers from day to day. Currently RakyatNTT.com globally is ranked in the 100 thousand version of Alexa Pagerank. Nationally, it is in the 2000s. For the local scale of NTT, RNC is the online media with the highest ranking.
RNC has also officially joined the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI), an Indonesian cyber media company organization that has become a constituent of the Press Council. RNC also collaborates with the national online media network pioneered by SMSI, namely Siberindo.co with members in all provinces in Indonesia. RakyatNTT.cim also collaborates with Herald.id, a national media based in South Sulawesi Province.
RNC is committed to being the proud media of NTT that is professional and critical in voicing truth and justice. (*)
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