Shadows Box, is a paranormal ITC research spirit box, designed with new technology to capture real time EVP, by using multi-layers of noise and human speech, generated from multiple sound and audio banks.
Shadows spirit box, works exactly like a spirit box radio device. Without any radio interference, making it easier for researchers and paranormal investigators to make sure that all messages received from the software are not from radio stations or any external sources, except direct manipulation of the software's audio and sounds by spirits or paranormal.
Equipped with new advanced technology, to capture EVP. From Ultra sound EVP sensors to EMF radar scanners ( to activate parts of the spirit box messages - this feature will only be used if your phone can identify EMF readings ) plus many sound and audio filters to avoid unnecessary noise false messages.
The audio banks used for human speech and human-like sounds, are clean audio banks with almost no words and sentences at all. We only used reversed speech and a mix of noise and sounds. The White noise engine generates special background noise, created from different layers of radio frequencies known to capture EVPs when the spirit box is used with audio recorders.
Unlike radio based spirit box devices, the software is using limited audio banks. That means you may receive repeated sounds from time to time. How to know if what you're receiving is paranormal or it's just the software generating random audio? You need a validation process once you start your session. Ask specific questions. Starting with - for example - asking if someone is present at the moment or not... this is important to make sure that what you're receiving from the spirit box is actual spiritual-paranormal communication, and not random audio from the software. If what you're receiving is random - irrelevant - words or sentences, then there is nothing wrong with the spirit box, that's exactly what it does, it only means that there is no paranormal communication established at the moment. Maybe there are no spirits present or they simply don't want to talk! This is true when you're using a software based spirit box or hardware spirit box.
It's optional but highly recommended to use any audio/sound recorder with Shadows box, or any spirit box software or hardware device.
We support our work and will always continue to release new updates - completely free -
with many new features and additional options, to guarantee that you always have the best ITC and paranormal device and best results in your research or investigations.
Shadows spirit box, works exactly like a spirit box radio device. Without any radio interference, making it easier for researchers and paranormal investigators to make sure that all messages received from the software are not from radio stations or any external sources, except direct manipulation of the software's audio and sounds by spirits or paranormal.
Equipped with new advanced technology, to capture EVP. From Ultra sound EVP sensors to EMF radar scanners ( to activate parts of the spirit box messages - this feature will only be used if your phone can identify EMF readings ) plus many sound and audio filters to avoid unnecessary noise false messages.
The audio banks used for human speech and human-like sounds, are clean audio banks with almost no words and sentences at all. We only used reversed speech and a mix of noise and sounds. The White noise engine generates special background noise, created from different layers of radio frequencies known to capture EVPs when the spirit box is used with audio recorders.
Unlike radio based spirit box devices, the software is using limited audio banks. That means you may receive repeated sounds from time to time. How to know if what you're receiving is paranormal or it's just the software generating random audio? You need a validation process once you start your session. Ask specific questions. Starting with - for example - asking if someone is present at the moment or not... this is important to make sure that what you're receiving from the spirit box is actual spiritual-paranormal communication, and not random audio from the software. If what you're receiving is random - irrelevant - words or sentences, then there is nothing wrong with the spirit box, that's exactly what it does, it only means that there is no paranormal communication established at the moment. Maybe there are no spirits present or they simply don't want to talk! This is true when you're using a software based spirit box or hardware spirit box.
It's optional but highly recommended to use any audio/sound recorder with Shadows box, or any spirit box software or hardware device.
We support our work and will always continue to release new updates - completely free -
with many new features and additional options, to guarantee that you always have the best ITC and paranormal device and best results in your research or investigations.
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