Mamushcar Repair Expert is an Auto Maintenance and Repair Organization with Expertise Auto Technicians and Mechanics providing permanent solutions to Automobile and Automotive Troubles, we are Nigerian’s First Auto Subscription Services Providers in Partnership with Nigerian’s Trusted Insurance House.
With MRX SUBSCRIPTION services, Patrons/Subscribers can enjoy driving with confidence their registered, new or foreign used vehicles, and maintain the top shape on the road.
Our goals over the years is making sure patrons gets the most kilometres out of their vehicles. We strive to put an end to the try & error, and human lives risk caused by substandard repairs of incompetent and roadside mechanics. Our Repairs and maintenance meets manufacturers standard. Safety is always our top priority.
With MRX SUBSCRIPTION services, Patrons/Subscribers can enjoy driving with confidence their registered, new or foreign used vehicles, and maintain the top shape on the road.
Our goals over the years is making sure patrons gets the most kilometres out of their vehicles. We strive to put an end to the try & error, and human lives risk caused by substandard repairs of incompetent and roadside mechanics. Our Repairs and maintenance meets manufacturers standard. Safety is always our top priority.
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