Hebrew and Greek interlinear English Bible
Back to the roots! Identity is memory.
Learn Greek and Hebrew by reading the Bible interlinear Greek and Hebrew with transliteration (the pronunciation) - both scroll-able and zoom-able with responsive display.
The New Testament Books are taken from the Berean Greek Bible which is based on Nestle (1904).
The Old Testament Books are in Hebrew except for the Books of Tobit, 1-4 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and Judith which were taken from the Septuagint.
Back to the roots! Identity is memory.
Learn Greek and Hebrew by reading the Bible interlinear Greek and Hebrew with transliteration (the pronunciation) - both scroll-able and zoom-able with responsive display.
The New Testament Books are taken from the Berean Greek Bible which is based on Nestle (1904).
The Old Testament Books are in Hebrew except for the Books of Tobit, 1-4 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, and Judith which were taken from the Septuagint.
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