Mortgage and Loan Simulator is an advanced calculator to help yo to take the difficult decision to sign a contract with the bank. Easy to use and intuitive, it contains tools from the most basic (payment calculation) to the most advanced, such as early repayment or fully interactive graphics, to help your economy. The main features are:
- Use of the French amortization formula based on a fixed annual interest rate, although the periodicity of payments is monthly.
- Evaluation of the payment of a mortgage from the price or value, interest and time.
- Amortization table during the duration of the loan or mortgage. This way you can control how much of what you pay is going to reduce the capital and what interests you are paying.
- Fully interactive charts to analyze the evolution of the capital and monthly interest, as well as total interest, remaining balance and total amortized capital each month. You can click on a specific month and detailed information will be shown. You can also zoom or pinch in/out for each specific period.
- Partial or early repayment, in which the effect of the reduction of payment or reduction of term is seen, as well as the interests savings in each case.
- Summary showing the main information of the loan or mortgage.
- Use of the French amortization formula based on a fixed annual interest rate, although the periodicity of payments is monthly.
- Evaluation of the payment of a mortgage from the price or value, interest and time.
- Amortization table during the duration of the loan or mortgage. This way you can control how much of what you pay is going to reduce the capital and what interests you are paying.
- Fully interactive charts to analyze the evolution of the capital and monthly interest, as well as total interest, remaining balance and total amortized capital each month. You can click on a specific month and detailed information will be shown. You can also zoom or pinch in/out for each specific period.
- Partial or early repayment, in which the effect of the reduction of payment or reduction of term is seen, as well as the interests savings in each case.
- Summary showing the main information of the loan or mortgage.
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