Get updated with all the events from Quantum Foundation including Quantum Method Course, Heart Club Programs, Yoga Practice Sessions, Alokaion, Sadakaion and many more.
Features -
1. Learn the date, time, and location of all upcoming Quantum events.
2. Find the upcoming schedule and details of the Quantum Method Course.
3. Find the date, time, and location of the upcoming Gurujee’s program.
4. Find contact details of event organizers.
5. Change language preference to English or Bangla.
Quantum Foundation regularly organizes meditation and yoga courses, and other self-development programs, both open and closed, all around Bangladesh. This app presents all the detailed information about those upcoming events and programs.
Visit site:
Maintained by: Quantum Method – The Science of Living (
Features -
1. Learn the date, time, and location of all upcoming Quantum events.
2. Find the upcoming schedule and details of the Quantum Method Course.
3. Find the date, time, and location of the upcoming Gurujee’s program.
4. Find contact details of event organizers.
5. Change language preference to English or Bangla.
Quantum Foundation regularly organizes meditation and yoga courses, and other self-development programs, both open and closed, all around Bangladesh. This app presents all the detailed information about those upcoming events and programs.
Visit site:
Maintained by: Quantum Method – The Science of Living (
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