Our internet-free imsakiye, which we have prepared for the month of Ramadan, has been published as of April 30. You can follow the daily prayer times with the application. You can always see how much time is left for iftar. You can see at any time how much time is left for sahur.
It has been prepared according to the information about iftar, sahur and prayer times published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs for 2022. Our application calculates the times according to where you are.
We hope it has been an application that will be beneficial to the world of Islam. We will be glad if you pray for us as well. God bless you all.
Happy ramadan
It has been prepared according to the information about iftar, sahur and prayer times published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs for 2022. Our application calculates the times according to where you are.
We hope it has been an application that will be beneficial to the world of Islam. We will be glad if you pray for us as well. God bless you all.
Happy ramadan
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