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Infocare Systems Ltd
500+ downloads

About GoMobile!

Infocare childcare management software is a unique cloud-based computer system that takes away the complexity of childcare administration and provides innovative tools to aid in the running of your centre.

The GoMobile! app allows educators to carry out the following functions:

- Record when children are sleeping
- Record meals and bottles consumed
- Record when nappies are changed
- Record children present in a roll call
- Record staff hours
- Record children and staff for an evacuation
- View parent/caregiver contact details

Trusted for its accuracy, ease of use, reliability and security, Infocare is used by many hundreds of childcare centres and kindergartens in New Zealand.

Our committed support team are experts in Infocare and have worked in childcare or kindergartens. They have an integral understanding of the system from your point of view.

GoMobile! Screenshots