The Addnotes application allows the annotation of cash values or currencies in the options PAYMENTS of accounts and RECEIPTS of sums in money through purchases in both cases the most varied modalities of these two forms can be used in the use of the program. It requests in separate pages a calendar date of the payment or credit, this value in currency and a description for the registered value.
It only includes data of personal notes of expenses and receipt of amounts at the level of individual personal consumption.
Receipt or Credit is used as a synonym of value received for service delivered, merchandise sold, return of borrowed amounts, money given by relatives and known persons, etc.
Payment or Debit is used as synonym of payment of monthly bills of water, electricity, gas, subscription TV, internet access plans, vehicular fuel, health plans, monthly fees for clubs, courses, gymnastics, vacations etc also in format individual staff.
Inclusion, editing and deletion of the registered data made by clicking on the record of the displayed listing with some action options.
The free version will features in-app products as new features have been made the following feature additions that can be purchased and enabled in this future release:
* Printing of the Payments and Receipts list record in PDF format which is saved to a folder in the internal storage sdcardaddnotes of your android device;
* Conversion of the free program to the version for sale with the respective menu items made at the time of purchase;
* Include a shopping card icon in the toolbar that offers some modalities of buying items in the application;
* Exclusion of advertisements, icon to buy and evaluation of the application in the version a paid with items in the application.
It presents several alternatives of buying the app and after its completion the program must be rebooted to present its new configuration of the taskbar and menu.
It only includes data of personal notes of expenses and receipt of amounts at the level of individual personal consumption.
Receipt or Credit is used as a synonym of value received for service delivered, merchandise sold, return of borrowed amounts, money given by relatives and known persons, etc.
Payment or Debit is used as synonym of payment of monthly bills of water, electricity, gas, subscription TV, internet access plans, vehicular fuel, health plans, monthly fees for clubs, courses, gymnastics, vacations etc also in format individual staff.
Inclusion, editing and deletion of the registered data made by clicking on the record of the displayed listing with some action options.
The free version will features in-app products as new features have been made the following feature additions that can be purchased and enabled in this future release:
* Printing of the Payments and Receipts list record in PDF format which is saved to a folder in the internal storage sdcardaddnotes of your android device;
* Conversion of the free program to the version for sale with the respective menu items made at the time of purchase;
* Include a shopping card icon in the toolbar that offers some modalities of buying items in the application;
* Exclusion of advertisements, icon to buy and evaluation of the application in the version a paid with items in the application.
It presents several alternatives of buying the app and after its completion the program must be rebooted to present its new configuration of the taskbar and menu.
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