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About Emailnote

The Emailnote application prompts the user to fill out simplified fields such as Name, E-mail, Landline, Cellular Phone and Notes. It accepts any combination of alphanumeric characters typed by the virtual keyboard as input data, the Name field however constitutes the only one that can not be left without padding fields without information being accepted as input by the software.
An icon representing the fill state of the fields will automatically be displayed with the Name and Email fields in a display listing.
It is possible to include, delete and edit the recorded data; the e-mail option uses the configuration information of the program to present the user with an alternative to send a text message to one of the lists.

* The Name field is the search field for the listing and deletion of records;
* Uses an email client program to send the electronic message;
* It offers fields for registration of mobile and fixed phones;
* Stores information locally in the program installation folder;
* Does not use any user and application permission resources except local database writing;

This free version has utility in annotating personal information of the name, e-mail, number of fixed and mobile phones and other additional information.
Uses a standard Android database driver (SQLite) storing the information locally in the program installation folder on your mobile device's Tablets and Smartphones hd.
It does not offer permission to the user and the application to access the internet network and mobile telephony.