The Secretary of Education of the State of Ceará, through the Cooperation Coordination with the Municipalities for the Development of Learning at the Right Age - COPEM, with the support of TV Ceará, produced videos with educational content for elementary school students. Early Childhood Education will show the videos produced by the Let's Learn Ceará Project.
The video classes are organized in a weekly calendar and each one has an average duration of 30 minutes and can be complemented with the activities proposed by the Project #EstudeEmCasa. The video classes are organized by areas of knowledge: Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Human Sciences.
The video classes are organized in a weekly calendar and each one has an average duration of 30 minutes and can be complemented with the activities proposed by the Project #EstudeEmCasa. The video classes are organized by areas of knowledge: Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Human Sciences.
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