There are 863 questions with offline preparatory feedback for the ALAGOAS STATE MILITARY POLICE PM AL SOLDADO 2020.
See the feedback on the spot and evaluate its performance on the main screen, where the number of questions answered and the success rate appear. On the topic screen, quickly see which questions have already been answered, and which have been answered correctly or not.
The subjects covered are:
Current Events
General Geography, Brazil and Alagoas
General History of Brazil and Alagoas
General History, Brazil and Alagoas> Brazil 500 years
Legislation pertaining to the Military Police of Alagoas
Legislation pertaining to the Military Police of Alagoas> Decree-Law nº 2,848 / 1940 and its amendments (General part of the Penal Code)
Portuguese language
Portuguese Language> Mastery of the morphosyntactic structure of the period
Portuguese Language> Mastery of textual cohesion mechanisms
Notions of Administrative Law
Notions of Constitutional Law
Notions of Criminal Procedural Law
Notions of Human Rights
Computer science
Computer Basics> Operating System Basics
Computer basics> Computer networks
Computer basics> Computer networks> E-mail programs
Computer Basics> Computer Networks> Navigation Programs
Computer Basics> Information Security
Computer Basics> Office Suites> BrOffice
Computer Basics> Office Suites> Microsoft Office
The questions can be redone as often as you like.
Take advantage of free time to resolve some issues and learn constantly. Constant training is very important so that at the time of solving the test in the contest you have the internalized resolution format, thus, you will gain time and tranquility during the execution of the test.
See the feedback on the spot and evaluate its performance on the main screen, where the number of questions answered and the success rate appear. On the topic screen, quickly see which questions have already been answered, and which have been answered correctly or not.
The subjects covered are:
Current Events
General Geography, Brazil and Alagoas
General History of Brazil and Alagoas
General History, Brazil and Alagoas> Brazil 500 years
Legislation pertaining to the Military Police of Alagoas
Legislation pertaining to the Military Police of Alagoas> Decree-Law nº 2,848 / 1940 and its amendments (General part of the Penal Code)
Portuguese language
Portuguese Language> Mastery of the morphosyntactic structure of the period
Portuguese Language> Mastery of textual cohesion mechanisms
Notions of Administrative Law
Notions of Constitutional Law
Notions of Criminal Procedural Law
Notions of Human Rights
Computer science
Computer Basics> Operating System Basics
Computer basics> Computer networks
Computer basics> Computer networks> E-mail programs
Computer Basics> Computer Networks> Navigation Programs
Computer Basics> Information Security
Computer Basics> Office Suites> BrOffice
Computer Basics> Office Suites> Microsoft Office
The questions can be redone as often as you like.
Take advantage of free time to resolve some issues and learn constantly. Constant training is very important so that at the time of solving the test in the contest you have the internalized resolution format, thus, you will gain time and tranquility during the execution of the test.
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