Ricardo Tominaga
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There are 602 questions with offline feedback preparatory for TJPA JUDICIARY 2020 STATE COURT OF JUSTICE.

See the feedback on time and rate its performance on the main screen, where the number of questions answered and the hit rate appear. On the topic screen, see at a glance which questions you have already answered, and which questions were answered correctly or not.

The subjects covered are:

Public Administration and Judiciary
Public Administration and Judiciary> Swot analysis, scenario analysis, GUT matrix
Public Administration & Judiciary> Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
Public Administration & Judiciary> Governance & Governance
Public Administration and Judiciary> Organizational Strategic Framework
Portuguese language
Portuguese Language> Mastery of the morphosyntactic structure of the period
Portuguese Language> Mastery of textual cohesion mechanisms
Notions of Administrative Law
Notions of Administrative Law> Public Agents
Notions of Administrative Law> Administrative Act
Notions of Administrative Law> Management Control and Accountability
Notions of Administrative Law> Administrative Powers
Notions of Civil Law
Notions of Civil Law> Legal Acts
Notions of Civil Law> Legal Facts
Notions of Civil Law> Legal Entities
Notions of Civil Law> Natural People
Notions of Constitutional Law> Public Administration
Notions of Constitutional Law> Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988
Notions of Constitutional Law> Fundamental Rights and Guarantees
Notions of Constitutional Law> Functions essential to justice
Notions of Constitutional Law> Political and Administrative Organization
Notions of Constitutional Law> Executive Power
Notions of Constitutional Law> Judiciary
Notions of Constitutional Law> Legislative Power
Notions of Criminal Law
Notions of Civil Procedural Law> Procedural Acts
Notions of Civil Procedural Law> Competence
Notions of Civil Procedural Law> Parties and prosecutors
Notions of Criminal Procedural Law
Notions of Criminal Procedural Law> Criminal Action
Notions of Criminal Procedural Law> Communication of procedural acts
Notions of Criminal Procedural Law> Procedural Time Limits
Public Service Ethics
Public Service Ethics> Law No. 8.429 / 1992 and its amendments

Questions can be redone as often as you like.

Take the time to solve some questions and learn constantly. It is very important the constant training so that at the time of the resolution of the competition in the competition you have the format of resolution internalized, thus, you will gain time and tranquility during the execution of the competition.

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