It is with great joy that we present to you this year the XXVII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Cellular Therapy and Bone Marrow Transplantation (SBTMO 2023) – The future is now! Back to Curitiba, where the first Brazilian transplant center was born and where, in the cold months of July and August, the first Bone Marrow Transplant Meetings were held. There were only a few of us at the time, and we could gather in the rooms of the Hotel Bourbon, warmed not only by boiled pine nuts or a good wine at the end of the day, but also by an immense desire to build a great Medical Society with the noble mission of bringing our patients Brazilians a procedure that would save lives. Well then, my friends: now is the future that we anticipated and desired. A future built by many hands in recent years. Today this is the Congress of a strong and poignant SBTMO, nationally and internationally integrated, made up of centers from several Brazilian regions that maintain the excellence of services and results. In Brazil, we have a donor registry that is among the largest in the world, a data registry that is growing, and a strong study group – our GEDECO. Such achievements have enabled a growing scientific production and publications in high-impact scientific journals. Each year the Multiprofessional Team and the Data Managers deliver meetings of the highest quality. Today this is a Congress that has become big and capable of welcoming the future that today enters us with its bright lights and faster than ever. We better understand molecular changes in bone marrow failure and hematological malignancies. We witnessed new advances in the selection of donors and HLA, new immunoprophylaxis such as post-transplantation cyclophosphamide, new drugs for the treatment of infection and graft-versus-host disease, and finally we were enthusiastic about the breaking of paradigms through the advent of cell therapy, in particular of CAR-T cells, the central theme of our event. We will discuss all these innovations within our Brazilian reality, once again proposing ways to overcome the many challenges we envision in accessing these advances. In addition, we consider the space created for scientific discussion and collaboration with other societies such as ASTCT, EBMT and LABMT to be fundamental, important partnerships in the development of scientific research projects and medical education in our country. It is in this beautiful future that we await you from the 16th to the 19th of August 2023 in Curitiba, a city whose symbol is the Federal University of Paraná! In these parts, there is still wine, pine nuts and good conversations to warm up the cold nights. But there is, above all, a cutting-edge, dynamic and participatory agenda, which will certainly contribute to us continuing on this successful path together. #TMOtogether!
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