Qipu is the complete ERP for the freelancer, service provider, liberal professional, MEI and PJ who receive salary by the company.
Quickbooks User? Find out how Qipu can help you!
With our ERP, control the complete flow of your professional day-to-day service provision: issue budgets, generate invoices, issue service invoices (NFSe), generate collection slips, have control over accounts payable and receivable, control your customers, monitor your company's financial health through reports, integrate your bank statement from your current account with the app.
Join more than 550,000 freelancers, entrepreneurs, MEI, PJs and professionals who use Qipu ERP.
Discover the main features of ERP for service providers. * Registration of customers and suppliers; * Easy PDF Budget: create and share via whatsapp or email personalized service delivery or product sales quotes for your customers; * Issuance of payment slips: automate the billing management of your customers with our issuer of payment slips; * Payment receipt: send payment receipts in PDF or web version, and share via whatsapp with your customers; * Service invoice issuance: Issue and send service invoice through our NFSe issuer in a few clicks. Nota Fiscal Paulistana, Nota Fiscal Carioca and many other cities (check the availability of the service in your city); * Control of inputs and outputs; * Control of accounts payable and accounts receivable; * Financial control * Cash flow: take care of your company's financial health through cash flow and other graphical reports * Bank reconciliation: control your bank statement with our OFX file upload and reconciliation tools from your bank, excel spreadsheets and integration with digital accounts (CORA, LINKER, BTG, Banco do Brasil, Itaú, Santander, Bradesco) * Monthly monitor pending municipal CND, Federal CND, State CND and FGTS CND with CNPJ Radar. Don't have a company yet? Qipu helps you open your CNPJ easily. EI, EIRELI, SLU, LTDA. Our team of specialists helps, from the choice of CNAES to the municipal registration and framing in SIMPLES NACIONAL. In addition, we offer Online Accounting services for SIMPLES NACIONAL and MEI. Accounting customers, in addition to all sales management services (budgets, issuing slips, sending receipts, managing accounts payable and receivable), have access to the services below: Accounting for MEIs - DAS payment history - Generation of your MEI DAS slip - Automated delivery of the MEI Annual Declaration (DASN-SIMEI) - Monthly monitoring of CND - Online service through our chat with our team of expert accountants Accounting for entrepreneurs , PJs and liberal professionals from SIMPLES NACIONAL (Check availability in your city) - Generate Debt Clearance Certificate: obtain Federal CND, FGTS CND, Municipal CND and State CND, to know the health of your company and CNPJ - Installment DAS SIMPLES NACIONAL pending - Calculation and monthly delivery of DAS SIMPLES NACIONAL - Annual obligations - Accounting reports: balance sheets, trial balances, DRE, cash book - Pro-labore generation, with INSS and IR guides - GFIP, DIRF, DEFIS and e SOCIAL - Monthly monitoring of the company - Chat with our team of experts Want to know more? contact us by email contato@qipu.com.br
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