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Application of the Municipality of São Paulo that allows to consult the existence of pending issues of Individuals and Legal Entities before the Municipal Public Administration. The following are eligible for inclusion in CADIN: past due and unpaid pecuniary obligations and the absence of accountability, such as: taxes and contributions; debts to public companies, municipalities and foundations; public prices; tax and non-tax fines, including traffic fines; other debts of any nature to the Municipality's Direct and Indirect Public Administration. Services available in the App:
• Simple Consultation - It allows checking if there are pending issues for a given CPF / CNPJ.
• Detailed Consultation - Allows you to consult the complete data related to the pending issue, as well as to issue the boleto for regularization. In this first phase, the slips of IPTU and Fines de Transito, past due and unpaid, not registered in Active Debt will be available.
• Issuance of Proof of Good Standing.
• Option to receive notification of registration notice in the Municipal Information Register - CADIN Municipal.

CADIN PMSP Screenshots