Application for issuing invoices for Smartphones
The mobile application of Nota Fiscal Paulistana, from the City of São Paulo, is compatible with any smartphone model. Its biggest innovation is the issuance of invoices by cell phone, eliminating the use of computers and printers. The application has a number of other features, which can be used by both service providers and policyholders. Check out the main features:
Service provider: Companies (Legal Persons), Self-Employed and Liberal Professionals (Individuals):
- issues invoices;
- sends invoices in real time by e-mail;
- cancel issued Notes;
- consult and visualize the Notes issued, received and cancelled;
- receives messages from the Nota Fiscal Paulistana Program;
- configures and changes your company data.
If you are a MEI service provider use the specific app, MEI Nota Fácil, available on the Google Play Store from 10/19/2021.
Service taker:
- Consultation of Invoices received;
- consulting the list of nearest service providers;
- consult the tickets generated and which will compete in the monthly draws;
- consult the monthly draw prizes;
- consult the credits received, used and available;
- configure and change your profile data;
- receives messages from the Nota Fiscal Paulistana Program.
Service provider locator in the capital:
- locates the 309 thousand service provider establishments registered in the Nota Fiscal Paulistana Program;
- locates providers by name, neighborhood, location and distance;
- indicates service providers by field of activity;
- calculates routes to the nearest providers, on foot and by car;
- remakes the trajectories for the establishments according to the change in the starting point;
- shows the location of providers on the map, with the georeferencing of the establishment.
What is the Paulista Invoice
The Nota Fiscal Paulistana is a program to encourage citizens to request the tax document when they hire any service in the City of São Paulo (parking lots, gyms, private schools, laundries, day care centers, schools, colleges, language courses, construction companies, repairs household appliances, hairdressers, hotels and motels, mechanical workshops, surveillance and cleaning companies, among others). In addition, it returns part of the tax withheld (ISS - Tax on Services) to the population, who can choose how they will use the credits: deduction of up to 100% of the IPTU or deposit in a checking or savings account. There is also the possibility of participating in monthly drawings for cash prizes.
The mobile application of Nota Fiscal Paulistana, from the City of São Paulo, is compatible with any smartphone model. Its biggest innovation is the issuance of invoices by cell phone, eliminating the use of computers and printers. The application has a number of other features, which can be used by both service providers and policyholders. Check out the main features:
Service provider: Companies (Legal Persons), Self-Employed and Liberal Professionals (Individuals):
- issues invoices;
- sends invoices in real time by e-mail;
- cancel issued Notes;
- consult and visualize the Notes issued, received and cancelled;
- receives messages from the Nota Fiscal Paulistana Program;
- configures and changes your company data.
If you are a MEI service provider use the specific app, MEI Nota Fácil, available on the Google Play Store from 10/19/2021.
Service taker:
- Consultation of Invoices received;
- consulting the list of nearest service providers;
- consult the tickets generated and which will compete in the monthly draws;
- consult the monthly draw prizes;
- consult the credits received, used and available;
- configure and change your profile data;
- receives messages from the Nota Fiscal Paulistana Program.
Service provider locator in the capital:
- locates the 309 thousand service provider establishments registered in the Nota Fiscal Paulistana Program;
- locates providers by name, neighborhood, location and distance;
- indicates service providers by field of activity;
- calculates routes to the nearest providers, on foot and by car;
- remakes the trajectories for the establishments according to the change in the starting point;
- shows the location of providers on the map, with the georeferencing of the establishment.
What is the Paulista Invoice
The Nota Fiscal Paulistana is a program to encourage citizens to request the tax document when they hire any service in the City of São Paulo (parking lots, gyms, private schools, laundries, day care centers, schools, colleges, language courses, construction companies, repairs household appliances, hairdressers, hotels and motels, mechanical workshops, surveillance and cleaning companies, among others). In addition, it returns part of the tax withheld (ISS - Tax on Services) to the population, who can choose how they will use the credits: deduction of up to 100% of the IPTU or deposit in a checking or savings account. There is also the possibility of participating in monthly drawings for cash prizes.
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