You can search the Integrated Library System (SIBi), University of São Paulo directly from your phone or tablet Find the location of a publication in the USP and check their availability. You can use the camera to scan a bar code and check for a publication in some library USP. Set wish lists, suggestions and references to the publications found. Export lists by email or to your Google Drive or DropBox. Find the location of a library USP through a map and check opening hours, telephone numbers and e-mail.
This application uses mobile data connection or Wi-Fi network. Contact your service provider about the costs.
This is a development of the Superintendent of USP Information Technology (ITS) in conjunction with the Integrated USP Libraries (SIBi).
This application uses mobile data connection or Wi-Fi network. Contact your service provider about the costs.
This is a development of the Superintendent of USP Information Technology (ITS) in conjunction with the Integrated USP Libraries (SIBi).
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