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Universidade de São Paulo
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About demonumentaRA

demonumentaRA is an Augmented Reality application that promotes an immersive experience in historical heritage. The focus is on monuments related to the celebrations of the Independence of Brazil and the Week of Modern Art of 1922, and their reverberations in 1954 (year of the IV Centenary of the city of São Paulo) and 1972 (commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of Independence, promoted during the dictatorship). The project, developed by FAUUSP, discusses the coloniality of our heritage and how it is perpetuated in time and space. To this end, it brings together a set of 22 monuments that were created and built around these dates. You can place the monuments in the environment, see them in different sizes, record them and hear narratives about each one. Get the app!
demonumentaRA was developed by FAUUSP with the support of the Dean of Culture and Extension, Dean of Inclusion and Belonging and Superintendence of Information Technology at USP and resources from Proac.