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Working 4b

Budescu Sorin George
1,000+ downloads

About Working 4b

Are you tired of always write on a piece of paper and at the end of the month to deal with the calculator ?

Let Working 4b help you !

Working 4b is an application that allows you to enter your hours of work and by calculate your monthly income !
It also offers the possibility of :

*Note of work hours
*Change them at will
*Insert night hours
*Check if the interval that you are entering both where previously-added
*Enter your lunch break easier
*Insert more types of hours : for example standard , extra etc ...
*Choose the type of payment of the inserted interval
*View or edit your schedule in recent months
*Integrated recorder
*Recorder widget
*Round the intervals at will ( excess / deficit / the closest )

The Recorder Widget:
Will allow you to count your hours easily:
With Touch of a button the application will be able to start the hours counting , and the end counting .
Also allow you to also consider the lunch break !

Working 4b Screenshots

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