The application “ - the catalog of goods and services of Belarus” allows you to quickly and profitably make purchases in online stores of Belarus. Among the 3.5 million products you can easily find what you were looking for - from household goods to the most high-tech equipment. Clothing, goods for children, food, everything for hygiene - choose a convenient payment method and order delivery.
Services are also easy to order - the application will help in choosing a nanny for the baby, leisure activities and other issues.
The application is extremely easy to use, even a school student or a senior citizen can easily master it:
- Convenient search. More than 5,000 headings will allow you to find any, even the rarest, product.
- Filtering. The characteristics of the goods indicated in the headings will make your search as effective as possible.
- Sorting. By rating, by price, discounted goods, wholesale suppliers - sorting by any parameter will save time.
- Security purchases. Other customer reviews and company ratings will help you quickly choose a reliable seller.
- Personal Area. An automatically created customer account will save all the information about the status of your orders.
The application “ - the catalog of goods and services of Belarus” will save your time, help you make a successful purchase, find the information you need - and all this on one resource.
Services are also easy to order - the application will help in choosing a nanny for the baby, leisure activities and other issues.
The application is extremely easy to use, even a school student or a senior citizen can easily master it:
- Convenient search. More than 5,000 headings will allow you to find any, even the rarest, product.
- Filtering. The characteristics of the goods indicated in the headings will make your search as effective as possible.
- Sorting. By rating, by price, discounted goods, wholesale suppliers - sorting by any parameter will save time.
- Security purchases. Other customer reviews and company ratings will help you quickly choose a reliable seller.
- Personal Area. An automatically created customer account will save all the information about the status of your orders.
The application “ - the catalog of goods and services of Belarus” will save your time, help you make a successful purchase, find the information you need - and all this on one resource.
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