The application “ - the catalog of goods and services of Russia” will help you quickly and easily make profitable purchases anywhere in Russia. Among 10 million products you will find everything you need - from household items to industrial equipment and vehicles. Clothing, goods for children, food and drinks, hygiene products - pay online and arrange delivery.
You can order not only goods, but also services - the application will help you choose a nanny for the baby, organize any leisure and even solve legal issues.
The application is very simple and designed for users of any age:
- Convenient search. Among the 5,000 headings you will find any, even the rarest, product.
- Filtering. Detailed product specifications will make your search as accurate as possible.
- Sorting. Sorting by any parameter you will save time - by rating, by price, discounted goods, wholesale suppliers.
- Security purchases. Customer reviews and company rating information will help you choose the most reliable seller.
- Personal Area. The customer’s account is formed automatically and stores all the information about your orders, viewed goods, etc.
The application “ - the catalog of goods and services of Russia” will help you save time and make the most profitable purchases on one resource.
You can order not only goods, but also services - the application will help you choose a nanny for the baby, organize any leisure and even solve legal issues.
The application is very simple and designed for users of any age:
- Convenient search. Among the 5,000 headings you will find any, even the rarest, product.
- Filtering. Detailed product specifications will make your search as accurate as possible.
- Sorting. Sorting by any parameter you will save time - by rating, by price, discounted goods, wholesale suppliers.
- Security purchases. Customer reviews and company rating information will help you choose the most reliable seller.
- Personal Area. The customer’s account is formed automatically and stores all the information about your orders, viewed goods, etc.
The application “ - the catalog of goods and services of Russia” will help you save time and make the most profitable purchases on one resource.
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