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Calculadora de FGTS
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About Calculadora de FGTS

This app does not belong to the Government. It calculates the approximate FGTS balance and corrects it monthly. It was created based on reliable and public sources.

Just use it as a base, get an idea of ​​how much your balance is. The calculation is approximate because it uses only 3 pieces of information to calculate: start date, end date and salary for calculation.

The official FGTS Calculation is carried out by Caixa Econômica Federal.

FGTS is the acronym for Severance Indemnity Fund. Fund created with the aim of protecting workers who are fired without just cause.
The employer deposits 8% of the employee's salary monthly into an account opened at Caixa Econômica Federal, this percentage is not deducted from the worker, it is the employer's obligation.

- About this FGTS Calculator
- Makes the approximate calculation of the FGTS
- Correct the Balance monthly
- Generate extract