This application allows you to measure the time of Archery FITA accordance with regulations.
Google Cast ™ Ready: Displays the timer on a TV screen via Chromecast. You can use two screen, each with a key Chromecast provided you use 2 phone or tablet with Bluetooth link.
It is also possible to use a tablet as a display and a Bluetooth phone as a remote link.
* selection time
* One shooter or switching AC / BD
* Team Event Finals Rounds (alternating shooting)
Google Cast™ Ready :
Google Cast ™ Ready: Displays the timer on a TV screen via Chromecast. You can use two screen, each with a key Chromecast provided you use 2 phone or tablet with Bluetooth link.
It is also possible to use a tablet as a display and a Bluetooth phone as a remote link.
* selection time
* One shooter or switching AC / BD
* Team Event Finals Rounds (alternating shooting)
Google Cast™ Ready :
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