**That you have stable internet connection**
* Keeps track of all your cryptocurrencies
* Also the possibility to create an backup in a .CSV format
* Actual portfolio and daily tracking of all the coins
* Password secured portfolio if you want (available in the settings)
* All the cryptocoins of 30 different exchanges :
AdiosMarket Allcoin
Anybits BCEX
BigOne Binance
Bitfinex Bitstamp
Bittrex BitZ
Coinbene CoinEgg
CoinExchange Cryptopia
Exmo 1ExTrade
Gemini HitBtc
Huobi Kraken
Kucoin Liqui
Livecoin Mercatox
Poloniex TuxExchange
* Possibility of using a watchlist
* Your wallet in Bitcoins, Euro's, US dollars, GBP, JPY, RUB and KRW
* Only visible with internet connection (3G,4G,5G)
* No trading platform
If you have any questions you can always contact me at: wingcrony@gmail.com
**That you have stable internet connection**
* Keeps track of all your cryptocurrencies
* Also the possibility to create an backup in a .CSV format
* Actual portfolio and daily tracking of all the coins
* Password secured portfolio if you want (available in the settings)
* All the cryptocoins of 30 different exchanges :
AdiosMarket Allcoin
Anybits BCEX
BigOne Binance
Bitfinex Bitstamp
Bittrex BitZ
Coinbene CoinEgg
CoinExchange Cryptopia
Exmo 1ExTrade
Gemini HitBtc
Huobi Kraken
Kucoin Liqui
Livecoin Mercatox
Poloniex TuxExchange
* Possibility of using a watchlist
* Your wallet in Bitcoins, Euro's, US dollars, GBP, JPY, RUB and KRW
* Only visible with internet connection (3G,4G,5G)
* No trading platform
If you have any questions you can always contact me at: wingcrony@gmail.com
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