Crypto Ticker icon

Crypto Ticker

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About Crypto Ticker

You can follow +1100 coins from 19 exchanges.
It's also showing the 24-hour graph of the chosen coins.
Which you can change to 48-hour graph and even a 5-day graph.
If you click on the graph you will see a candlestick graph where you can view data over a timespan of 1 day, 2 days, 5 days, 7 days, 14 days or 1 month
In the tab "Rocket" you can see the coins that have raised the most in 24-hour.
The current exchanges that it's support:
- Kraken
- Poloniex
- Bittrex
- Cryptopia
- Bitfinex
- Bitstamp
- Bluetrade
- CoinExchange
- Livecoin
- HitBtc
- Coinspot (only available in AUD)
- Gdax
If your favorite exchange isn't in the list mail me so I try to add it!

The coin can be showed/followed in Bitcoin, EUR,USD, AUD, GBP, RUB, KRW and JPY.