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UPSC IAS Preparation 2020: UPS

Mobtronix Technologies
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About UPSC IAS Preparation 2020: UPS

UPSC IAS Preparation 2020 study material, NCERT Textbooks, Short Notes of all subjects, Question BANK, Quiz, IAS previous year papers Online Tests, IAS tricky question app, Topic Wise Quizzes, NCERT Textbook Quizzes, Daily insights, English vocabulary, IAS Previous year question papers and Important tips & tricks for UPSC Prelims Examination.

UPSC IAS All in One App includes Study Material, Syllabus, practice quizzes, video lectures, previous year papers, mock tests for 2017 examination, past year papers, Previous Year Questions with Solutions, Test series shortcuts and tricks (including all math tricks and all shortcut tricks) for the preparation of IAS, IRS, IFS, IPS.

☑ Disclaimer: Please note that we are totally independent team. We are not any kind of government agent nor associate with any government office or any staff. The application DO NOT represent or endorse or linked, authorized or sponsored by any Indian government entity or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates in any way. The app provide information aggregated from various trusted sources and from several Government organizations which is already available in the public domain. All the content provided on the app is only for the informational purposes to the users. The application is not affiliated with any Government services or person.

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