NCERT Solutions , NCERT Books is a free app where you can download and read offline any Ncert Books and its solutions, Notes, previous year papers with solutions.
We are providing something unique, useful and most importantly fun.By giving students a tool to find instant solutions to their doubts, we’re trying to make every student self-sufficient in practicing & completing their homework.
☑ Disclaimer: Please note that we are totally independent team. We are not any kind of government agent nor associate with any government office or any staff. The application DO NOT represent or endorse or linked, authorized or sponsored by any Indian government entity or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates in any way. The app provide information aggregated from various trusted sources and from several Government organizations which is already available in the public domain. All the content provided on the app is only for the informational purposes to the users. The application is not affiliated with any Government services or person.
We are providing something unique, useful and most importantly fun.By giving students a tool to find instant solutions to their doubts, we’re trying to make every student self-sufficient in practicing & completing their homework.
☑ Disclaimer: Please note that we are totally independent team. We are not any kind of government agent nor associate with any government office or any staff. The application DO NOT represent or endorse or linked, authorized or sponsored by any Indian government entity or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates in any way. The app provide information aggregated from various trusted sources and from several Government organizations which is already available in the public domain. All the content provided on the app is only for the informational purposes to the users. The application is not affiliated with any Government services or person.
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