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2048 Plus

icelamp studio
1,000+ downloads

About 2048 Plus

"2048 Plus is a fantastic version of the current popular games of 2048.
Swipe to move the tiles, when two tiles with the same number touch, they merge into one. Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile! Explore deep challenge for your mind!
It is a amazing 2048. It offer much more than others:
+ simple color block layout, with comfortable color sense, artificial circular cells. all design goes to reduce visual fatigue, enhance the beauty of the game, even you are playing games for a long time.
+ auto save. saving the result, you can continue playing next level with saved game field of the previous one
+ icon button to undo your last step, restart a new game
+ extended settings
---- original target setting(256,512,1024,4096,8192,16384,32768)
---- more play modes(4x4 as default、5x5、6x6)
---- turn on/off sound.
---- turn on/off vibration.
+ statistics(analysis score, step, cost time)"

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