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Zap Ffactor Picnic

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About Zap Ffactor Picnic

Come and join us for a picnic and the perfect opportunity to learn your Welsh double alphabet letters! This app is specifically prepared for primary school children. The 3 levels all follow the same format but are missing a double letter in different parts of the word! In each of these levels you will need to drag the correct letter to complete the word. Our scoring system is ideal to track your progress or to compare with friends! Download the app today to join the picnic!

Dewch i ymuno â ni am bicnic a chyfle bendigedig i ddysgu ac ymarfer eich llythrennau dwbl Cymraeg! Dyma ap ar gyfer plant Cynradd. Mae’r tair lefel, sy’n dilyn yr un patrwm, yn cynnwys cartwnau doniol. Maen nhw’n ychwanegu at y dysgu a’r hwyl! Ym mhob lefel, rhaid llusgo’r llythyren i’w lle er mwyn llunio gair. Gall ein system sgorio eich helpu i dracio’ch cynnydd neu gymharu eich canlyniadau â rhai eich ffrindiau. Lawrlwythwch yr ap heddiw er mwyn profi’r danteithion!

Zap Ffactor Picnic Screenshots