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Flexii Planning Poker - Agile

GuGames Development
50+ downloads

About Flexii Planning Poker - Agile

With Flexii Planning Poker development teams can complete estimation sessions on projects based on agile methodologies such as Scrum in a simple and effective way. Even more comfortable than phisical cards!

You no longer have to hide your smartphone screen! Your device's screen will remain active, waiting for you to double-tap to display your card.

In addition, the name of each user is shown in the results to to monitorize the proccess quickly.

The new Anti-Gossip mode will make your cards hard to identify for your team mates to let you think on the tasks only. Note that this feature will shuffle your cards!

Currently it only includes basic cards with the Fibonacci sequence (1/2, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100, Indeterminate, ? and break).

Flexii Planning Poker - Agile Screenshots