Addicting Idle Incremental Clicker, in which You take care of money tree, which make you cash. Game is simple, You need click/tap tree, it will generate Your income, with the income, You can begin Your economy adventure, raise tycoon business, buy new upgrades and join war. Various types of farm will generate income. find formula for fastest upgrade. It is a game for boys, for girls, for kids and adults. This app is Free to download
This free game is not a boring Company simulator, here You need get things in Your hands, become hero, which will release nature from humans. Buy bows, swords, and do expeditions, get own armies. Make RPG like decisions which change world, buy special power-ups, and become rich. climate like in dungeon RPG
Nature got enough of capitalist earth, in which they were just used, and no one have care about them, humans have use trees for wood, fruit. Humans were building factory and reactor, in every area, they were destroying nature. Now nature will destroy humans. Let's make space for nature life. Let's destroy every city and building and town made by human. Human was builder of earth, now it will be plants. From Miner to Cookie confectioner and spinner, they will all die.
- Tap tree to generate money, over time tree will grow, a rain will come, which will evolution tree. Look how money tree is raising.
'- Buy upgrades, which raise Your income, join economy adventure.
- Decision system like in RPG, each strategy decision change world. Chose best case.
- Prestige system, which don't reset player progress
- Idle and Offline profit. Explore game universe
- Find 7 dragon egg, discover and unlock special upgrades.
- Use Your logic skills, to answer Bee question
- No IAP, no anyoning ads (game contain ads, just not spam users with them).
Relax and play this game, and make fortune, become billionaire. Gameplay is casual and simple, tapping will grant You cash income, which you can invest into endless upgrades.
Wish to help with translate game to other languages?
Contact me at:
Special Thanks to Marek Majewski.
Special Thanks to
Game Made in 2017
This free game is not a boring Company simulator, here You need get things in Your hands, become hero, which will release nature from humans. Buy bows, swords, and do expeditions, get own armies. Make RPG like decisions which change world, buy special power-ups, and become rich. climate like in dungeon RPG
Nature got enough of capitalist earth, in which they were just used, and no one have care about them, humans have use trees for wood, fruit. Humans were building factory and reactor, in every area, they were destroying nature. Now nature will destroy humans. Let's make space for nature life. Let's destroy every city and building and town made by human. Human was builder of earth, now it will be plants. From Miner to Cookie confectioner and spinner, they will all die.
- Tap tree to generate money, over time tree will grow, a rain will come, which will evolution tree. Look how money tree is raising.
'- Buy upgrades, which raise Your income, join economy adventure.
- Decision system like in RPG, each strategy decision change world. Chose best case.
- Prestige system, which don't reset player progress
- Idle and Offline profit. Explore game universe
- Find 7 dragon egg, discover and unlock special upgrades.
- Use Your logic skills, to answer Bee question
- No IAP, no anyoning ads (game contain ads, just not spam users with them).
Relax and play this game, and make fortune, become billionaire. Gameplay is casual and simple, tapping will grant You cash income, which you can invest into endless upgrades.
Wish to help with translate game to other languages?
Contact me at:
Special Thanks to Marek Majewski.
Special Thanks to
Game Made in 2017
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