Уличная игра для семьи, детей и подростков. Поиск динозавров, через дополненную реальность (AR). Игрокам выдается карта, на которой местонахождение динозавра и смартфон в руках, который больше не игрушка, а "прибор особого видения". 8 локаций и финиш. Микс ориентирования, квеста и поисковой игры. Динозавры- мега реалистичны, живут своей жизнью, едят, летают, спят. Выходи на поиски динозавра в Мезозойскую эру. И смотри, чтобы тебя не съели. Держи смартфон хорошо в руках и ищи рядом с динозавром букву - ключ. Запомни. На фишине все буквы собираются в слово.
A street game for families, children and teenagers. Search for dinosaurs, through Augmented reality (AR). Players are given a map showing the location of the dinosaur and a smartphone in their hands, which is no longer a toy, but a "special vision device". 8 locations and the finish. A mix of orientation, quest and search game. Dinosaurs are mega realistic, live their own lives, eat, fly, sleep. Go out in search of a dinosaur in the Mesozoic era. And don't let them eat you. Hold your smartphone well in your hands and look for the key letter next to the dinosaur. Remember. On the picture, all the letters are collected into a word.
A street game for families, children and teenagers. Search for dinosaurs, through Augmented reality (AR). Players are given a map showing the location of the dinosaur and a smartphone in their hands, which is no longer a toy, but a "special vision device". 8 locations and the finish. A mix of orientation, quest and search game. Dinosaurs are mega realistic, live their own lives, eat, fly, sleep. Go out in search of a dinosaur in the Mesozoic era. And don't let them eat you. Hold your smartphone well in your hands and look for the key letter next to the dinosaur. Remember. On the picture, all the letters are collected into a word.
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