In Norse mythology, the Futhark runes were a gift from the god Odin. According to the old Norse poem Havamal, to prove himself worthy of receiving knowledge of the runes, Odin sacrifices himself to himself and hung on the Yggdrasil for nine nights. Finally, he gets a glimpse of the wisdom and power of the runes from the depths of the Well of Urd.
Now, you can consult the hidden wisdom in the Futhark runes from your very own phone using our app!
Brighstave/Merkstave interpretations were taken directly from using CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
Now, you can consult the hidden wisdom in the Futhark runes from your very own phone using our app!
Brighstave/Merkstave interpretations were taken directly from using CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
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