This Android application is Searching for Identity 4 Complete Volumes. In PDF format.
Author: Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali
Volume 1: TAWASUL (Searching for Allah and the Messenger Through the Teacher's Way)
There is a saying: "Whoever works without a teacher, his teacher is a devil". Whereas humans are worshiping alone in remote places. How at that time he could do good by getting the guidance of a teacher?. Then "Tawasul Spiritually" is the solution. Tawasul spiritually is explained in detail in this TAWASUL book so that the deeds of worship that are being carried out by a servant are not trapped in the hidden tricks of Satan, which can result in humans falling into mistakes that are difficult to realize.
Volume 2: LADUNI SCIENCE (Fruits of Worship and Tawassul)
Allah Ta'ala Says: "And fear Allah, Allah will teach you". QS. al-Baqoroh/282. That is Laduni Knowledge, Allah teaches that knowledge to chosen servants by whispering understanding through their hearts, namely the heart of a servant who has been cleansed from all the dirt of worldly character that is not commendable, as the fruit of the worship that is undertaken. It is universal knowledge and "rahmatan lil alamin" that will be able to lead humans to success in life, both in this world, religion and the hereafter. This knowledge is produced from a combination of knowledge, faith and charity that can produce more knowledge.
When LAILATUL QADR is the main gift, then the wisdom contained in it must be the same, like the other GIFTS, namely how a servant's understanding of his Lord becomes wider and wider so that he can make wushul to Him. If so, should LAILATUL qadr only be sought in the month of Ramadan? Can you no longer get such opportunities in months other than Ramadan? Then a broad understanding of the wisdom behind all the will of Allah and the ability to read the signs that are spread, both in explicit and implied verses and INAYAH AZALIAH which illuminates behavior, will open the blindfold of the heart and lead humans to the right path. straight to the pleasure of his Lord.
Volume 4 : KHOLIFAH EARTH (Teacher Mursyid As Spiritual Father)
Humans as living beings and God's most perfect creation have elements of lust, reason, thought, heart and spirit. But the life of his soul is sometimes not always harmonious. With knowledge and strong faith, humans will be able to form their identity into a living system whose movements will always be directed towards a single goal, namely serving the One Supreme Being, Allah . In this way, other living systems scattered throughout the universe will become docile and subservient to humans because the nature of these systems is that they have the potential to be tamed by humans. That's because the function of a caliph is to become a control system for the earth. With the permission of Allah , an earthly caliph of his time is able to control these living systems through the living system of his heart. That is the sign of a servant who is loved by his Lord.
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All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content being displayed, please contact us via the email developer and tell us about your ownership status for the content.
Author: Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali
Volume 1: TAWASUL (Searching for Allah and the Messenger Through the Teacher's Way)
There is a saying: "Whoever works without a teacher, his teacher is a devil". Whereas humans are worshiping alone in remote places. How at that time he could do good by getting the guidance of a teacher?. Then "Tawasul Spiritually" is the solution. Tawasul spiritually is explained in detail in this TAWASUL book so that the deeds of worship that are being carried out by a servant are not trapped in the hidden tricks of Satan, which can result in humans falling into mistakes that are difficult to realize.
Volume 2: LADUNI SCIENCE (Fruits of Worship and Tawassul)
Allah Ta'ala Says: "And fear Allah, Allah will teach you". QS. al-Baqoroh/282. That is Laduni Knowledge, Allah teaches that knowledge to chosen servants by whispering understanding through their hearts, namely the heart of a servant who has been cleansed from all the dirt of worldly character that is not commendable, as the fruit of the worship that is undertaken. It is universal knowledge and "rahmatan lil alamin" that will be able to lead humans to success in life, both in this world, religion and the hereafter. This knowledge is produced from a combination of knowledge, faith and charity that can produce more knowledge.
When LAILATUL QADR is the main gift, then the wisdom contained in it must be the same, like the other GIFTS, namely how a servant's understanding of his Lord becomes wider and wider so that he can make wushul to Him. If so, should LAILATUL qadr only be sought in the month of Ramadan? Can you no longer get such opportunities in months other than Ramadan? Then a broad understanding of the wisdom behind all the will of Allah and the ability to read the signs that are spread, both in explicit and implied verses and INAYAH AZALIAH which illuminates behavior, will open the blindfold of the heart and lead humans to the right path. straight to the pleasure of his Lord.
Volume 4 : KHOLIFAH EARTH (Teacher Mursyid As Spiritual Father)
Humans as living beings and God's most perfect creation have elements of lust, reason, thought, heart and spirit. But the life of his soul is sometimes not always harmonious. With knowledge and strong faith, humans will be able to form their identity into a living system whose movements will always be directed towards a single goal, namely serving the One Supreme Being, Allah . In this way, other living systems scattered throughout the universe will become docile and subservient to humans because the nature of these systems is that they have the potential to be tamed by humans. That's because the function of a caliph is to become a control system for the earth. With the permission of Allah , an earthly caliph of his time is able to control these living systems through the living system of his heart. That is the sign of a servant who is loved by his Lord.
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All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content being displayed, please contact us via the email developer and tell us about your ownership status for the content.
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