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Terjemah Kitab Fathul Qorib

Mantan Santri
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About Terjemah Kitab Fathul Qorib

This Android application is an interesting translation of the Book of Fathul Qorib (Fath Al-Qarib) for you. In PDF format.

Book name: Translation of the Book of Fathul Qorib (Fath Al-Qarib)
Syarah from: The Book of Matan Taqrib Abu Syujak
Original book title: Fathul Qarib Al-Mujib fi Syarhi Alfazh Al-Taqrib or Al-Qawl Al-Mukhtar fi Syarh Ghayatil Ikhtishar

Author : Muhammad bin Qasim bin Muhammad Al-Ghazi ibn Al-Gharabili Abu Abdillah Shamsuddin (محمد بن قاسم بن محمد الغزي ابن الغرابيلي أبو عبد الله شمس الدين )

It makes it easy to understand the contents in the book of taqrib because it is equipped with a translation.

All praises be to Allah. Sholawat greetings to the Prophet Muhammad, his family and the Sahaabat. Qadhi Abu Syujak Ahmad bin Al-Husain bin Ahmad Al-Asfahani said: I was asked by some friends to compile a summary of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence which is very concise and simple and is divided into many parts so that it is easy to learn and memorize. I fulfill that request by asking for taufik to Allah, the Almighty and All-Knowing.

The translation of the Book of Taqrib contains:

Muqadimah (مقدمة)
Toharoh (كتاب الطهارة)
Prayer (كتاب الصلاة)
Kinds of Prayers
Zakat (كتاب الزكاة)
Fasting (كتاب الصيام)
Hajj (كتاب الحج)
Transactions and Inheritance
Marriage (النكاح)
Jinayat (كتاب الجنايات)
Adultery Chapter
Jihad (كتاب الجهاد)
Hunting and Slaughtering
Race and Archery
Faith and Nadar
Law and Witness
Freeing Slaves

Hopefully this application can be useful as material for study and become a loyal friend anytime and anywhere without having to be online.

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