Proof that through specific methodology determines the type of learning that has the person who performs it, was developed by Kolb in the 70's
He described two opposite types of perception:
• people who perceive through concrete experience,
• and the people they perceive through abstract conceptualization (and
As he explored the differences in processing, Kolb also found examples.
from both ends:
• some people process through active experimentation (implementation
of the implications of the concepts in new situations),
• while others through reflexive observation.
With this data you can determine the type of learning of a person and of which there are 4 types;
This application developed based on this test in addition to determining the type of learning determines certain characteristics linked to the specific type.
He described two opposite types of perception:
• people who perceive through concrete experience,
• and the people they perceive through abstract conceptualization (and
As he explored the differences in processing, Kolb also found examples.
from both ends:
• some people process through active experimentation (implementation
of the implications of the concepts in new situations),
• while others through reflexive observation.
With this data you can determine the type of learning of a person and of which there are 4 types;
This application developed based on this test in addition to determining the type of learning determines certain characteristics linked to the specific type.
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