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Dua-e-Masura Urdu دعائے ماثورہ

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About Dua-e-Masura Urdu دعائے ماثورہ

The Dua which are from the Holy Quran or either told by the Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (ﷺ) is said to be Dua Masura.

It is recited in every Salah (Namaz) whether it’s Farz or Sunnah during tashahhud, after Attahiyat and Durood Ibrahim.

Few people and kids face difficulties in learning this dua as it’s a bit long, but they can also recite this small dua unless they memorize the full Dua e Masura.

“Allahumma Rabbana Ataina Fiddunya Hasanatauw Wa Fil Akhirate Hasanatauw Wa Kena Azabannar”

Supplication is an important thing in Islamic culture as our Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (ﷺ) said Dua is the heart of worship. (Al-Tirmidhi 45: 3371)

This Hadith clearly indicates to us the importance of supplications in Salah, so every Muslim should try to learn and memorize the dua that is used in Salah.

Who recites regularly, all his past sins for the past 25years are forgiven. It is a fortress for protection against every kind of affliction and calamity. Whoever recites this dua, will not die unless he sees his place in Jannah. Who recites this dua while passing by a graveyard for those believers buried therein, would earn reward equal the number of buried believers.
Frequent recitation makes ones own death easy. His death will not be of a sudden and terrifying nature. Reciting of this dua keeps a person safe from poverty and Sustenance comes towards him.

Whosoever recites it or keeps it with him, his face on Dooms day will be bright like the moon; and the atonement of missing the prayers will be forgiven; and while in Journey will not feel lazy in saying the prayers; and when he shall rise from his grave on Dooms day people will say 'which messenger of God is he?, then the Almighty Allah will reply 'He is not a messenger but one who recited Dua-e-Masura with earnestness, that is why this gift and survey is for him. And Allah, the Most Merciful shall grant him the entry into Heaven on the Day of Judgement.

Dua e Masura in Arabic Text

اَللّٰھُمَّ أِنِّیْ ظَلَمْتُ نَفْسِیْ ظُلْمًا کَثِیْرًا وَّلَا یَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوْبَ اِلَّا أَنْتَ فَاغْفِرْلِیْ مَغْفِرَةً مِّنْ عِنْدِكَ

وَارْحَمْنِیْ أِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْغَفُوْرُ الرَّحِیْمَ

Dua e Masura in English Transliteration Text
ALLAHumma Inni Zalamtu Nafsi Zulman Kaseeraan, Wala Yaghfiruz-Zunooba Illa Anta, Faghfirlee Maghfiratan-mMin ‘Indika
War Hamnee Innakaa Antal Ghafoorur Ra’heemu
اے اللّٰه! بیشک میں نے اپنے نفس یعنی اپنی جان پر بہت زیادہ ظلم کیا اور تیرے سوا (کوئی بھی) گناہوں کو نہیں بخش سکتا بس مجھ کو بخش دے اپنی خاص بخشش سے
اور مجھ پر رحم فرما بیشک تُو ہی بخشنے والا، بے حد رحم والا ہے۔
ya ALLAH maine apni nafs yani apni jaan par bahut zyadah zulm kiya, aur TERE siwa koi bhi gunahon ko nahi bakhsh sakta pas mujhe bakhsh de apni khaas bakhshish se, aur mujhpar raham farma beshak TU bakhshne wala hai, behad raham wala hai.
Dua-e-Masoora Ki Tafseel Roman Urdu Mein

‘Masura’ alfaz ko dua masura mein ham is tarah se bolenge: ‘maa-soo-raa’. Aj ham dua masura ke maane tarjuma ke sath tafseel se parhenge. Safar ki Dua
Dua-e-Maasoora Kab Parhi Jati Hai?

Har namaz mein dusri rak’at mein ‘Qayda’ mein bethne ke dauran jab Durood-e-Ibraheemi parhi jati hai. Dua-e-Maasoora uske fauran bad hi parhi jati hai.
Dua-e-Masoora Ki Hadees in Roman Urdu

Pyare Aqa Huzoor-e-Akram ﷺ ka irshad-e-mubarak hai ke dua ‘ibadat ki jaan hai.

Jami’at-Tirmidhi [Vol. 6, Book 45, Hadith 3371 / Book 48, Hadith 2]

‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr se riwayat hai ke Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq ne Huzoor-e-Akram ﷺ se farmaya,

“Mujhe koi esi dua batlayiye jiske zariye main ALLAH ko namaz mein pukaru.”

Huzoor-e-Akram ﷺ ne irshad farmaya,

“Kahiye: ALLAHumma Inni Zalamtu Nafsi Zulman Kaseeraan, Wala Yaghfiruz-Zunooba Illa Anta, Faghfirlee Maghfiratan-mMin ‘Indika War Hamnee Innakaa Antal Ghafoorur Ra’heemu“

Sahih Al-Bukhari [Vol. 8, Book 75, Hadith 338]

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