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Kidee: Jogo de Tiro Online

Pix Games World
100+ downloads

About Kidee: Jogo de Tiro Online

🎮 Kidee is a free online shooter in an open world full of cars! Feel what it's like to be in the middle of the action on the road! Compete with other players, explore the city and enjoy fun and entertaining gameplay with your friends. Their weekly events and activities ensure that you are never bored in the Kidee world. Come and experience the best free online shooting game!

👥 Choose Your Character and Enter The Big City is the right choice for you! Embark on this great adventure, choose your character and enter the big city to explore the game map. And when you're ready to test your shooting skills, you can shoot online against other players in the same city. Enjoy this unique experience while enjoying the virtual city with your friends. So wait no more, play Kidee today and feel what it's like to own the big city.

🚗 Get ready to start a fun driving adventure! Take cars through the city's neighborhoods, race enthusiastically with friends in-game, jump off ramps, explore the city's secrets and enjoy every second of the ride! If you're a fan of cars, face forward - this is the experience you've been looking for. So slow down, speed up and master challenges behind the wheel with your favorite car!

🔫 Selecting the best weapon to play with is one of the most important things to do well when shooting online. You can choose from short-range weapons like machine guns and pistols if you want to outrun opponents faster and more accurately; or ranged weapons like sniper rifles and sniper rifles. It all depends on your strategy and the end goal. So, choose the weapon that best suits your style and have fun shooting online!

🗺️ Big city is an amazing place for you and your friends to have fun and explore! Make wars online, drive cars, challenge yourself to battle enemies! All this quietly and with lots of fun! Come and join the online war and have fun with your friends!

🔓 If you are looking for a personalized gaming experience, you can create your own server for free! Whether fighting the war individually or gathering your friends to play, creating your own server offers even more fun gaming possibilities. Access the server list right now to join the war or create your own server with a password and play with just your friends!

💬 The game offers a great way to play with friends: use chat to chat with them, arrange meeting places and organize extreme races! Plus, it's a fun way to spend time with your friends and even make new ones. Join them now!

Kidee: Jogo de Tiro Online Screenshots