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Pixel Rumble: Split-Screen PVP

Rizen Planet Studios
100+ downloads

About Pixel Rumble: Split-Screen PVP

Engage in epic battles of pixelated mayhem in Pixel Rumble, the ultimate physics-based 2D platformer PvP game! Customize your unique pixel art character, equip powerful weapons, and compete against your friends in local split-screen multiplayer action.

Enter the arena and fight to be the last one standing! Use physics-based mechanics to your advantage as you target specific body parts to disarm your opponents. Strategize and adapt!

Discover a wide variety of weapons scattered throughout the map and equip them to gain the upper hand. Experiment with different weapon combinations and find your perfect arsenal for every battle. Be careful not to lose a limb, though, as it will affect your mobility and weapon handling!

Immerse yourself in the thrilling split-screen multiplayer experience, allowing you to challenge your friends on the same device. Take advantage of the unique controls to outmaneuver your opponents and secure victory.

Pixel Rumble: Split-Screen PVP Screenshots